Wordpress 404 Redirect to Homepage Code work Automatically

wordpress 404 redirect to homepage: The 404 Solution plugin gives your visitors a better site experience by redirecting 404 URLs to any existing page. To save time.

    Wordpress 404 Redirect to Homepage

    The first thing you need to do is install and activate All 404 Redirect to Homepage plugin on your WordPress website. To install the plugin.

    Wordpress 404 Redirect to Homepage

    How to redirect 404 page in WordPress without plugin

    how to redirect 404 page in wordpress without plugin The complete process is given below step by step please follow it.
    1. First you have to login to the admin panel
    2. After logging in, click on Appearance > Theme File Editor
    3. After that you have to click on functions.php
    4. When you come to the function.php code, scroll down to the bottom.
    5. After scrolling down, copy the code which is given in this post.
    6. After copying the function.php child has to be pasted at the bottom of the court option
    7. then click on update file
    8. As soon as you click on the update file, File edited successfully.
    9. a message like this file will be generated successfully.
    10. After that, if anyone clicks on the working URL, it will automatically redirect to the home page.

    wordpress redirect 404 to homepage htaccess

    Provided in this post, there will be hundred percent working code, how to fix that code, we have told its step above, you should understand that state carefully and by following that state, you can do 404 redirect to homepage in your website.

    wordpress redirect to 404 programmatically

    The code that we are going to give you has to be fixed only once, after that it will remain working for a lifetime, it will work permanently, you will never have to make any changes in it again, you have to keep this thing in your mind and make it tension free.

    wordpress 404 redirect to homepage code

    Without any plugin, you can permanently redirect 404 in WordPress to the home page, once you enter that code, you will never need to enter it again, the code is given below.

    function redirect_404() {
        if (is_404()) {
            wp_redirect('https://YouR-URL.com/', 301);
    add_action('template_redirect', 'redirect_404');

    Conclusion - Wordpress 404 Redirect to Homepage

    How did you like this information in which we told how you can redirect your website permanently 404 to home page without any plugin through a code?

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